These charts assume you measured your height while barefoot, and you weighed yourself without clothing. (Note: charts on other websites might have different assumptions about measuring. If you use them, be careful you know what the assumptions are.)
Height | Small Frame | Medium Frame | Large Frame |
5’1″ | 123-129 | 126-136 | 133-145 |
5’2″ | 125-131 | 128-138 | 135-148 |
5’3″ | 127-133 | 130-140 | 137-151 |
5’4″ | 129-135 | 132-143 | 139-155 |
5’5″ | 131-137 | 134-146 | 141-159 |
5’6″ | 133-140 | 139-149 | 144-163 |
5’7″ | 135-143 | 140-152 | 147-167 |
5’8″ | 137-146 | 143-155 | 150-171 |
5’9″ | 139-149 | 146-158 | 153-175 |
5’10” | 141-152 | 149-161 | 156-179 |
5’11” | 144-155 | 152-165 | 159-183 |
6’0″ | 147-159 | 155-169 | 163-187 |
6’1″ | 150-163 | 159-173 | 167-192 |
6’2″ | 153-167 | 162-175 | 171-197 |
6’3″ | 157-171 | 166-182 | 176-202 |